Tidy Up Dog Groom
This service is for dogs who have recently had a full groom and need a tidy up to keep their coats in tip top condition.
This includes:
Pre-groom consultation
Health check
Clipping nails
Trimming hair between the paw pads
Ears cleaned
Anal glands expressed (only on request)
Full body-massaging shampoo and condition
Warm blow dry with specialist dryer
Thorough brush out
Hygiene areas trimmed
Tidy up hair around eyes
Love and attention throughout

Small Dogs from £45 (for 1h-1h15m grooms)
Medium Dogs from £55 (for 1h15m-1h30m grooms)
Large Dogs from £65 (for 1h30m-1h45m grooms)
XL Dogs: POA
Starting prices are just that!
The 'from' price is based on how long it normally takes to do a tidy up. This cost may increase dogs with for long, curly, knotted or matted hair as this adds to the time required to complete a groom. They are also based on dogs who are groomed every 4-6 weeks, and who take to the process well. The final price will take into consideration breed; coat condition, how long it has been since they were last groomed; how frequently they are groomed and the temperament of the dog. We will discuss these with you during the consultation, or even mid-groom if needed.
E.g. if the dog has curly hair that takes longer to groom; or is anxious and needs a short break; or if the coat takes longer than 15-minutes to brush out thoroughly due to matts or tangles; these all affect the guideline price.

Tidy Up Groom Enquiry
Please get in touch for information about availability